Sutra One ‘For Today’

cover susan

Now is Your Life!

Not yesterday!

Not tomorrow!

Just Now!

This is it!

This one moment we call ‘now’.

And in the continuous stream of ‘now’ – ‘now’ is in fact your whole life.

Just imagine for a moment; if for every now you mindfully, consciously, attentively lived in the purpose you were brought here for – you got a bead, the beads when strung together form a mala of your life … what would your mala look like?

Colourful, sparkling, long and sinuously curving around and through the breath and visions of your life?

Or not?

If not you can change that right now.

Now is a continuous stream flowing all around you and like all streams there is a current. When you are consciously by choice in the ‘flow’ of your life purpose you are in this central current; and the effort required is minimal. You can float on this energy – being on purpose, inspired, inspiring and motivated and motivating…

When you are inspired you are ‘in spirit’ and this aligns you with your life purpose – in any and every situation – when you let go of ego and wants and shoulds and what you believe are your rights to have and be and simply release your self to the flow of your purpose or dharma.

This release must be a conscious and mindful act.

It can be done any time and any where. Sometimes it is epiphanic others it evolves organically over time.

To start this ‘For Today’ ask yourself a question “What is my purpose right here, right now and how may I serve in spirit?”

Something will reveal itself, a word a gesture an act. It will always be genuinely beneficient if it is ‘on purpose’ and to undertake it may feel a bit scary but do it any way!

It could simply be smiling across the room to someone, or stopping your busy-busy to smell the roses, feel the breeze caress your face or the warmth of the suns rays touching your skin. Being on purpose is not comic book superhero stuff – it is the real achievable small ‘done’ things – not the things we dream of doing or think to do but don’t.

With your current now you are planting the seed for your future and you will reap that which you have sown, replace the seeds of stress, anxiety, busy-busy, with relaxation, slowing down, creating loving thoughts and letting go of any thing that is not gifting you in peace, love and harmony.

Choose these seeds for now, act on them and see your life transform into the beautiful rose of love it actually is.

And if you still don’t know where to start try smiling (even if you don’t feel like it) smile until you mean it … if it breaks free into a giggle all the better. Share your smile with everyone and keep doing that until you see for certain that the smile has spread from your face to anothers and so on …..

Taken from Chapter 13, ‘Musings on a Guru’ 2016 – By Susan Pryor

For more meditations from ‘Musings on a Guru’ you can purchase your own copy from or by texting 0212084167 or from

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